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ANSES, France : Call for research proposals on RF : exposure characterisation and study of EHS
par IEMFA - Thème : L’expertise scientifique :: L’hyperélectrosensibilité
Communiqué de l’IEMFA

It’s with great pleasure that Le Collectif des Electrosensibles de France and PRIARTEM, France forward a call for research proposals on EHS from the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES).

Three research areas are addressed :
- Innovative approaches to investigate electro hypersensitivity
- Metrology of electromagnetic fields
- Characterisation of exposure

The 2013 selection process will be divided into two stages : an initial selection on the basis of letters of intent, a second round of selection based on complete application. Letters of intent and complete applications must be submitted by the scientific project managers using the online submission platform which is available on the websites. The call is open to international teams including at least one French partner.

Deadline for submission of letters of intent - Friday, August 30, 2013 - midday Deadline for submission of full projects - Friday, October 4, 2013 midday

« This is about stimulating scientific teams to work on the causality with EMF exposure, the mechanisms, the biological markers, diagnostics and the therapeutical aspects" emphasizes Manuel Hervouet, co-founder of the Collectif des elecrosensible de France.

" Too many studies, particularly provocation studies, have been conceived by an inapt, caricatural or biased approach, concluding that the troubles are psychosomatic. We need a new approach, and ANSES gives us this opportunity", adds Sophie Pelletier from the same organisation.

Janine le Calvez, chair of Priartem appreciates that ANSES has established dialogue platforms with the civil society. "This opening contributes to reestablish the mutual confidence, and allows us to participate in the definition of research priorities and to be continuously updated on the ongoing work."


ANSES research call short version

ANSES research call full version

ANSES press release (in French)

PRIARTEM/Collectif des EHS de France press release (in French)


Yours sincerely, The IEMFA board

Mots-clés associés à cet article : ANSES
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